Reading 13: Supervised: Regression II

Reading 13: Supervised: Regression II#

For the class on Monday, March 17th

Reading assignments#

Read the following sections of [The20]:

  • Sec. 3.13 “Validation”

    • Including the “Cross-Validation” subsection

  • Sec. 13.12 “Gaussian Processes” (Note that we jump to Chapter 13 here!)

    • Sec. 13.12.1 “Covariance Functions and Kernels”

    • Sec. 13.12.2 “Regression”

    • Skip Sec. 13.12.3


Submit your answer on Canvas. Due at noon, Monday, March 17th.


If you use AI to help answer the following questions, make sure you read and agree with what it says!

  1. List anything from your reading that confuses you. Explain why they confuse you. If nothing confuses you, briefly summarize what you have learned from this reading assignment.

  2. Use your own words to (briefly) explain the difference between a test set and a cross-validation set.

  3. How does Gaussian process regression differ from linear regression?