Lab 0: Python Recap#

For the class on Monday, January 8th

A. Gaussian distribution#

  1. Generate 2,000 random numbers sampled from a standard Gaussian distribution.

  2. Make a histogram of those numbers you generated from Step 1.

  3. Overplot the probability density function (pdf) of a standard Gaussian distribution. Normalize the pdf appropriately so that it matches the histogram.

# Put your implementation for Part A here

Post-implementation Questions - Part A#

  1. What is the normalizing factor you have to use in Step 3? Can you determine its value a priori?

    // Put your answers here

B. Scatter Plot#

  1. Read in this csv file.

  2. Make a scatter plot for quantities x and y. Use two different colors for entries with different type values.

  3. For each type, calculate the Spearman correlation coefficient between x and y.

# Put your implementation for Part B here

C. Maze#

In this question, a maze is a 2d array with 1s and 0s, with 1 means walls and 0 means paths. The upper left (indices 0,0) and lower right (indices -1,-1) corners will always be 0.

A maze is solvable if there is a connected path (i.e., 0s) from the upper left corner to the lower right corner. Note that one cannot move diagonally in a maze.

  1. Use generate_maze function (see below) to generate a maze.

  2. Visualize the maze as an image.

  3. Determine if the maze is solvable using scipy.ndimage.label (Note: You only need to check whether the maze is solvable; you don’t need to find the solving path.)

  4. Repeat Steps 1 and 3 many times and estimate the probability of the maze being solvable.

  5. Repeat Step 4 but with a different value of wall_prob when calling generate_maze.

import numpy as np

def generate_maze(wall_prob=0.5, size=(100, 100), seed=None):
    rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
    maze = (rng.random(size=size) < wall_prob).astype(np.int64)
    maze[0,0] = maze[-1,-1] = 0
    return maze

# Put your implementation for Part C here

Post-implementation Questions - Part C#

  1. How does the probability of the maze being solvable change with the value of wall_prob? Can you make a plot showing this dependence?

    // Put your answers here

  2. (Optional) How does the dependence you obtain in Q1 change with the maze size?

    // Put your answers here


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Then, upload the resulting HTML file to Canvas for the corresponding assignment.